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World in Conversation
PSU 16 Attendance Form
PSU 16 Attendance Form
First Name
Last Name
Email (this must be your PSU Email)
PSU 16 Section 001 - Christian Huber
PSU 16 Section 002 - Benoit Dayrat
PSU 16 Section 003 - Richard Ordway
PSU 16 Section 004 - Michael Dann
PSU 16 Section 005 - Will Christensen
PSU 16 Section 006 - Richard Orway
PSU 16 Section 008 - Malissa A. Martin
PSU 16 Section 009 - Ana Butler
PSU 16 Section 010 - Danielle Hall
PSU 16 Section 011 - Jesse R Lasky
PSU 16 Section 012 - Thomas Stewart
PSU 16 Section 013 - Nita Bharti
PSU 16 Section 014 - Tamara Badger
PSU 16 Section 152- Jennifer Stingelin Keefer
PSU 16 Section 153/153D - Bernhard Luscher
PSU 16 Section 154/154D - James Endres Howell
PSU 16 Section 200/201 - Jacquelin Bortiatynski/Danny Glynn Sykes
PSU 16 Section 251 - Steven Hair
PSU 16 Section 252 - Steven Hair
PSU 16 Section 301 - Gayle Sutterlin
PSU 16 Section 350 - Michael Smitka
PSU 16 Section 450 - Sharon Fong
PSU 16 Section 451 - David Cassiday
PSU 16 Section 452 - John Moses-Brownson
PSU 16 Section 453 - David Cassiday
PSU 16 Section 454 - Melissa Krajcovic, Kimberly Johnson
PSU 16 Section 459 - Natasha Dinsmore
PSU 16 Section 460 - Carolyn Jo Pazur Jensen
PSU 16 Section 461 - Kimberly Johnson
PSU 16 Section 462 - Sharon Fong
PSU 16 Section 463 - Beth Johnson
PSU 16 Section 550 - Matthew Beckman
PSU 16 Section 600- Noelle Waggett
PSU 16 Section 602 - Jenifer McElhoe
PSU 16 Section 603 - Noelle Waggett
PSU 16 Section 700 - John R Moses-Brownson
Consent to Record:
Your dialogue session is being recorded in accordance with Penn State Remote Teaching Policy. "Video and audio recordings of class lectures will be part of the classroom activity. The video and audio recording is used for educational use/purposes and only may be made available to all students presently enrolled in the class. For purposes where the recordings will be used in future class session/lectures, any type of identifying information will be adequately removed."
By selecting below, you are consenting to be recorded.
Yes, you have my permission to record the discussion in which I am participating and to use any part of the recording of this session for facilitator training and related educational purposes. Selections from this recording may also be viewed by public, private and/or web-based audiences for presentations and communications about World in Conversation
Yes, you have my permission to record the discussion in which I am participating. The video and audio recording can used for educational use/purposes and only may be made available to all students presently enrolled in the class. For purposes where the recordings will be used in future class session/lectures, any type of identifying information should be adequately removed.