World in Conversation




Echo chambers keep us divided. Help World in Conversation advance the capacity for humans to solve problems with their opponents. Make a gift today.

Gift Catalog

Sponsor A Conversation

Sponsor a Conversation

Your gift will create an opportunity for Penn State students to participate in a facilitated dialogue where they will learn the tools to solve problems together across their differences.
Need-Based student Stipend

Need-based student stipend

For students who otherwise could not participate in our program, your gift provides a unique opportunity to engage. It also contributes towards Penn State’s land grant mission to create access for underserved communities

Make one student Internship position possible

Give a hands-on professional development opportunity for a student in one of the following fields: communications, training, operations, international relations, and research.

Fund a Global Site for one semester

Your gift supports a unique opportunity to bring Penn State students together with students from across the globe where they will learn how to solve problems together across their differences over the course of one semester.

Give where most needed

Any Amount
Your gift will make a lasting difference towards our ability to offer this programming that brings students together to learn how to solve problems across their divides. Support WinC's work by making a donation where it's needed most.

Support WinC innovations

Any Amount
A gift towards WinC’s research and development initiatives contributes towards the ongoing refinement of our conflict facilitation methodology in support of our training modules and dialogue services.

Featured Donors


Cassandra Matos

Vice President, Legal – Organon
Jurisdoctor (J.D.) – Penn State Law
Facilitator, Coach, and Program Manager

When Cassandra heard that we were raising funds to activate our endowment, she generously donated the entire amount that was outstanding to complete the campaign–$9,676.00! She said “I wouldn’t be who I am today without WinC–ya’ll are changing the world, one person at a time. May the work continue!”



Hossein* is a dedicated site coordinator who helps make real time cross-cultural exchange possible for Penn State students and students around the world. 

*Photo, Full name and Location not disclosed for security reasons

Aiming (Michael) Li

Aiming Li

Investment Analyst at Vanguard Institutional Advisory Services

“I am inspired to give because of the experience I had at WinC, it broadened my horizons to various perspectives and helped me to shape my own. More importantly, the skills I learned as a facilitator helped me to have better conversations both in my personal and professional life. I think of WinC as one of the most critical aspects of my undergraduate education, and I’d like future generations of students to benefit from the center.”

Taylor Muller 2

Taylor Muller

AVP, Business Development Officer – PNC Institutional Asset Management

While volunteering her time with our Alumni Development Committee, Taylor was instrumental in helping to kickstart a new level of engagement with fundraising. She made us feel like raising dollars was possible. Taylor then generously contributed to the new endowment fund that emerged from her efforts–while also taking the additional step of securing an employer match to double her impact.  

Your Impact

Each donation helps to provide transformational educational experiences for Penn State students and students around the world.






Student Participants


Global Community

Making aDonation

You will be redirected to a Penn State University giving page. Please enter the amount you would like to give towards your selection in the “World in Conversation in the College of the Liberal Arts” box.